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Slow Living

Sustainable Materials


During the 1980s and 1990s, Italians put forward the concept of slow life, people will be able to enjoy life more in a fast-paced environment, this concept has brought positive effects to the quality of human life.

Slow life as a green movement gave solution to the negative consequences of perceived materialism and industrial lifestyles.

Bambooing is a slow living brand and supports this lifestyle with sustainable materials.

Slow living is not about making everything a hoot, but hoping to live in a better world. It's a balance, fast if you can, slow if you can, trying to live with what the musicians call TempoGiusto (the right time). It doesn't have a one-size-fits-all formula, it just gives everyone the right to choose their own pace of life, and the world will be a richer place if we're willing to make room for a variety of different speeds.

In different urban centers, Bambooing use different sustainable materials to build  slow living spaces to let the audience experience cultural diversity and the benifits of green life.

Service: Brand Strategy, Graphic Design, Web design

Year: 2022


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